Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Following the Blog Rules

The first rule of the WeBook Girls blog: The Pretty must be on the front page of the blog at all times.

I suppose while we've got a bit of white space to fill I could toss out a couple of New Moon trivia questions...

1. When and to whom does Bella say, "You might have noticed my boyfriend glitters. Its just something he does..."

2. When is Bella's birthday?

3. Who is Elizabeth Masen?

photo nicked from Robsessed


Anonymous said...

Are you ready for this?
1. Grandma Marie Swan - dream sequence of New Moon

2. September 13, 1987

3. Elizabeth Masen was Edward Anthony Masen Cullen's birth mother. She died in 1918 of Spanish Influenza in Chicago.

yeh, I am so super cool

Micha said...

Good on you!! I think that first one kept everyone stumped. And just so you know...Jess didn't know any of the answers!