Monday, August 31, 2009

Spunk Ransom Sandwich

We're starting a new blog feature: PIC OF THE WEEK. It might be a pic of our favorite vamps or wolves (yes, I said wolves - seeing the wolf pack in NJ has softened me up a bit for the beasties - YUM!). We might choose a favorite pic that maybe a customer sends in, or anything that might give us a tickle. To start this feature off proper, we've got a fun photo from our adventures at TwiTour this past weekend. Jess and I developed a little bit of a crush on Fire and Ice Photo's EDWARD. Seeing EDWARD play the piano does someting for the soul, not to mention goes a long way to suspend belief that a real EDWARD might really exist. He was a great sport and let us go all cheese ball with out SPUNK RANSOM gear. ::Thanks Daniel and Heather!::